Your donations make a real difference in the lives of people at St. Charles Borromeo, in the community and around the world! As Catholics, we thank God for His many blessings and are called to share those blessings with others. St. Charles Borromeo offers many ways to give, including online giving, weekly offertory envelopes, gifts of stocks/securities and planned giving options. You may make a single gift, schedule ongoing donations or change your level of giving at anytime at . Feel free to contact Kelley Staso or call 765-473-5543.
Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. 9:7
As good stewards we are intentional in sharing our treasure and give it prayerful consideration. We strive to give joyfully from our first fruits in proportion to what we have been given. There are multiple ways of giving to your parish.
For your convenience, St. Charles Borromeo offers a simple and safe method of making offertory contributions via automatic payment from your checking or credit card account through our automated payment program MP eGiving. You may click here for online giving will be able to securely access and make changes to your account any time online or by calling the parish office. There is no cost to you for joining or making your donations through this program.
Text "SCB" to 73256 to give using your mobile device. This number will never send unsolicited texts to you. To cancel further messages, text STOP. If you need assistance with text giving, text HELP.
Envelopes are mailed monthly to every registered household in the parish.
St. Charles Borromeo accepts donations of appreciated stock or securities. This method of giving may have tax benefits for you in the deferral of capital gains. More information can be found on the diocesan website.
Congress has once again passed legislation allowing individuals age 70 1/2 or older to make charitable contributions directly from their IRA without incurring taxes on such distributions. This method of giving is particularly beneficial to those of our parishioners who do not itemize their tax deductions.
Have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Charles Borromeo, Peru, IN the sum of $_____ or_____ percent of the residue of my estate, whichever is greater, for its religious, educational and charitable works.”
If you would like more information about any of these methods of giving, please contact Kelley Staso or 765-473-5543. As always, please contact your tax professional to discuss specific tax implications.
Thank you for your generosity!
Parishioners across the Diocese are being asked to contribute to the annual appeal, Catholic Ministries Appeal. Today, we ask that you prayerfully consider a gift to the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Funds raised through the appeal help our diocesan church family continue its many needed services and programs. We are part of a community that must reach out to people beyond our parish lines, sharing our gifts given to us by God as good stewards.
Please feel free to sign up during the week in the Parish Office. If you wish to make an electronic payment, you may do so at the Diocesan Website. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the parish office at 473-5543.