Scholarships may be given to students who meet the following requirements:
The student is a member of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church.
The student has been a member and regular attendee of St. Charles Borromeo church for the four years preceding the first term the scholarship is expected to cover. (This means attending Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation and participating in Religious Education and/or Youth Ministry. It would also be nice for them to participate in the ministries of the parish.)
The student must be accepted/enrolled in an accredited institution of higher learning, i.e. college, university, technical school or vocational school.
The student must be a resident of Miami County and graduate from a school which has jurisdiction over an area of the county.
The student must have a 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale from high school, have a 2.0 equivalent in the school of higher education (or 5.0 on a 12.0 scale).
College students:
Must have no disciplinary action taken by the school/university.
Shall continue to regularly attend church at home/college. (New students at a residential college should introduce himself/herself to the priest or Catholic campus minister. A letter is required each year. If the student plans on attending Mass at St. Charles Borromeo each week while attending college, then the pastor needs to be notified at the start of the academic year.)
A current college transcript is needed for those reapplying.
The student will have four years of eligibility within six years of high school graduation.
Qualified students will be screened and selected by a committee consisting of the pastor and scholarship committee. The committee shall base its selection on:
High School record and grades/college transcript.
Recommendation from pastor/Catholic campus minister.
Recommendation from school counselor. (This is for first-time applicants.)
DUE ON APRIL 1ST OF EACH YEAR. Click the link below to download the application.