If you wish to provide an Easter Lilly “In Memory of” or “In Honor of” a loved one, please complete this form along with a contribution no later than Monday, April 14, 2025. If you are writing a check, please make it payable to St. Charles Borromeo Church. You may place this form along with your donation in an envelope and mail or drop off to the Church, or you may place it in the collection plate. Your name, along with the individual name(s) the Lilly has been purchased “In Memory of” or “In Honor of,” will be listed in the April 19/20, 2025 Parish Bulletin.
If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office at 473-5543. Remember, if you paid for your Easter Lilly by Automated Giving, you must fill out this form so we know the names of the loved ones you wish to have remembered.