We will be having our Annual Parish Bazaar this year as we have in years past. All of our booths will be up and running and we need volunteers!
RAFFLE TICKETS: We are handing out raffle tickets. We need to sell them all this year. If you sold ten last year, please sell twenty this year. Call friends near and far, post on Facebook, whatever you can do to sell them all. We need you! Additional tickets are available in the office or by calling Wendy Langer.
GARAGE SALE: Take that time to clean out the clutter, then donate it to us. We are accepting donations of clean and usable garage sale items (no clothing or tv's please). Items can be dropped off at the Cass Street doors, Monday thru Friday, from 9 am - 5 pm. Any clothing may be donated to St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store. Our garage sale will be Thursday and Friday (Sept. 5 & 6) from 8 am-4pm, and Saturday (Sept. 7) from 8 am-Noon.
WHEEL OF FORTUNE: We will have the Wheel of Fortune again this year. We are in need of new items to be donated towards this booth. This is a favorite of many so the more donations we receive, the more tickets we can sell!
If you are interested in helping the day of, volunteering to co-chair a booth, or simply have questions, please feel free to call the parish office at 765-473-5543.