The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process for those adults thinking about becoming a Catholic Christian. After reading this brief outline, if you would like to learn more please call the parish office (574-722-4080).
The main resource for the sessions is the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults.
Who may attend RCIA?
How long does it take to become a Catholic?
The RCIA is not a program. It is a process of preparation for the lifetime commitment that comes with reception into the Church. Consequently, some people will need more time than others to prepare for this. The usual length of preparation is from six months to two years. The baptism of adults typically takes place at the Easter Vigil each year.
If I begin, am I obligated to become Catholic?
There is no obligation to make any kind of commitment nor is there pressure exerted on anyone to become Catholic. We respect the conscience and decision of every inquirer. Because of your association with us, we would hope that you would gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of Catholic beliefs and practices.
Evangelization and Precatechumenate – a period lasting from a few weeks to many months.
Catechumenate – a period devoted to formal preparation. During this time, catechumens:
Purification and Enlightenment – a period (lasting through Lent) for reflecting on religious experience and faith. It includes:
Mystagogia – Post-baptismal catechesis