Are you curious about the Catholic faith? Have questions about why we do certain things, believe certain things, and practice certain ways? Were you baptized as an infant but did not go through Sunday school and receive your First Communion or Confirmation? It is through the RCIA process that you are able to receive those sacraments necessary and enter fully into the Catholic faith.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which an individual, who is over the age of twelve (12), is fully initiated into the Catholic Faith community.
This process is a journey in which the individual (1) becomes acquainted with the teachings and beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church; (2) discerns the call of the Holy Spirit, and, (3) makes a choice to join the Catholic Church.
There is no expectation on the part of the Church nor any obligation on the part of the individual during the initial period of investigation, learning, and discernment, as this is the individual’s journey. The RCIA team members simply accompany you on your journey as you seek the Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic faith.
If you just want to learn a bit more and not commit just yet, that's perfectly fine, check out the schedule on this page and if there's a topic that particularly interests you feel free to join us on that day. But don't let your curiousity pass by, if you're wondering about something, look into it, ask us questions, knowledge is a good thing and we are here to help satiate that hunger within you.
Any individual interested in the RCIA process may contact the Director of Faith Formation for further information.